Almost Lost The Anchor

August 28-29, 2023

Now that we are back in the states and hanging around Michigan, we are making our way to Mackinac Island and Lake Michigan. Our reservations are on the 30th, but the weather calls for high winds. We want to get as close as possible before making the crossing in the wind and Government Island is the best spot for this.

Time To Explore

We set the anchor and rafted with Lil Sudden. It was a pleasant day so the guys went fishing and Tonia and I went kayaking.

Unfortunately no fish were caught, but Michael did have fun driving the dinghy around.

Anchor Issues

The next morning, the weather predicted the wind changing directions and gusting. Our best bet was to move to a cove nearby to be better protected. The wind is blowing and the anchor is slipping. It’s time to move!

I went to the bow to lift the anchor and release the bridal, but when I glanced down, I noticed the chain was broken! The only thing keeping the chain secured to the boat is the bridal.

Wind is picking up and we don’t want the chain to slip out of the bridal and lose the anchor. Matt jumps into a kayak and grabs a line to pass through a chain link while I secure the other end of the line to the boat (this will save the chain if the bridal comes off). We then slowly pull the chain up and into the gypsy. It worked and we saved the anchor! Turns out a coupling attaching the chains together came apart and the lack of tension between the pulpit and bridal allowed it to fall off.

We promptly move to a less windy location, count our blessings, and enjoy the sunset.

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