No One is Crabby in Crab Cay, Bahamas

There’s something incredibly magical about anchoring in Crab Cay. The turquoise waters and vibrant marine life create an idyllic setting that beckons you to dive in and explore. Our recent visit was no exception, and we had an unforgettable couple of days filled with swimming, exploring, and witnessing some fascinating activities.

A Day in Paradise

As soon as we dropped anchor, we were mesmerized by the crystal-clear water that seemed to invite us to jump in immediately. We couldn’t resist the call of the ocean and spent the entire day swimming and playing with our water toys. The kids had fun flipping the kayak and swimming underneath. The warm, refreshing water was perfect for a full day of aquatic fun. From swimming to jumping off the bow, the day was a whirlwind of laughter and splashing around.

Aerial Spectacle

While we were enjoying the water, we noticed a helicopter hovering nearby. To our amazement, it was practicing a rescue operation, lowering and raising a person. It was an unexpected and thrilling spectacle. Watching the precision and skill involved in the helicopter operation was captivating and added an adventurous twist to our relaxing day.

Exploring the Ruins

In the afternoon, we decided to take the dinghy to explore the nearby ruins of an old resort. The resort, which was never completed, stood as a haunting reminder of ambitious plans that never came to fruition.

Next to the abandoned resort was a partially dug channel, a hidden gem known to be popular for jumping off the walls. Naturally, we couldn’t pass up the chance for a bit of thrill-seeking. The adrenaline rush of leaping from the walls into the deep blue channel was exhilarating. Each jump was met with cheers and laughter, creating memories that will last a lifetime. We even spotted a couple of large sting rays and a turtle.

Man-O-War Cay Sandbar

We took a dinghy ride to the Man-O-War Cay Sandbar. As we approached the sandbar, we were greeted by an expansive stretch of pristine white sand that seemed to go on forever. Landing the dinghy was a breeze, and we quickly secured it before stepping onto the soft, powdery sand. We weren’t alone in our discovery; numerous other little boats dotted the sandbar, with people leisurely walking around and soaking in the sun. The atmosphere was lively yet serene, with everyone reveling in the natural beauty surrounding them.


From early morning yoga on the beach, to enjoying the sun set, we reflected on the day’s adventures. The mix of serene swimming, unexpected helicopter maneuvers, and the exploration of eerie ruins made for a truly unique experience. Crab Cay offered us a perfect blend of relaxation and excitement, reminding us of the beauty and surprises that the ocean holds.

Our day at Crab Cay was a testament to the joys of anchoring in such a picturesque spot. The stunning waters, the thrill of exploration, and the simple pleasure of playing in the ocean combined to create a day we will never forget. If you’re ever sailing through the area, make sure to drop anchor at Crab Cay—you won’t be disappointed.

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